Sunday, January 28, 2007


Hey lurkers what it do? Just wanted to give you a heads up on the latest! Agenda
and ASR just past this weekend. My co-pilot (girlfriend) and I were given access to Agenda for the weekend (courtesy The Orphinage) and I must say that I was very impressed. Some memorable brands were Shamck, Crooks and Castles, Jeepney, Hellz Bellz, 10 deep, Shalom, Reebok, Upper Playground, and CLH. Some of these brands as you already know are already in store. As well as many may hopefully be! Due to some brands showcasing new stuff the public hasn't seen yet and shouldn't see yet, I was hesitant to take pictures of the even in fear we would get booted from the show so all I can leave you with is a mindful.

Big stuff is happening to the shop just wait and see...New crap should be rolling in soon and I will post as soon as I get word!

Take care everyone!

-Crooked Orhpan