well kind of..rained for a bit but it settled down..word got around to our beloved Email subscriptions list about a little VIP party we did(ladies only!..well mostly) If you didn't go that means you either:
A) flaked off the email and missed out on some exclusives OR B) ARENT ON THE EMAIL LIST
to get on that list!
anyways we had a heaping serving of some Toki Doki..Harajuka and Misery..
Heres some pictures of the event and also what we have/had in stock!

Some of the goodies we had for our customers

Preview and samples from an upcoming Eki Co!

aside from Harajuku Toki and Misery, we still have a fresh stock of some new AND old old Mama!

some Toki Doki toys

And just for the boys some Soulful Hoodys just got put out and are ready to go

Pretty much the only place in SD that still has them! come get one!

Now for the guests of the party!
Where are all the guys?

Loli and Terry hard at it!

friends and family!


awesome turn out as always! but for the most part, we still have a bunch of this out and in stock some for the ladies (or guys with ladies) come in and check out are stock and get some sweet stuff!
-Cro0ked Orphin
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